Communications Update
/We are upgrading our phone system to a more efficient way for both office and client to connect. Dedicated texting soon to be added to our business lines, and accessible in the field through a smart phone app.
We are upgrading our phone system to a more efficient way for both office and client to connect. Dedicated texting soon to be added to our business lines, and accessible in the field through a smart phone app.
So it rained for what...a week? Admit it-- a few inches of rain over a few days caused a lot of you to keep your horses confined to the barn for a while. In some cases, a long while. Risk.
Now its really cold, water is freezing. Still confined to stalls? Risk.
These are risk factors for the development of a horse belly ache: Equine Colic. Rate you risk.
Equine Herpes Myelitis (EHM), a neuroligic disease caused by EHV-1 has been reported in a facility in Doylestown, PA. The facility is currently under PA Department of Agriculture quarantine. More information on EHM can be found at these links.
Checkout Nat Geo Wild Vet School. Dr. Kraybill's alma mater. Premieres September 19, 9 p.m.
FUO--Fever of Unknown Origin, is a common urgent call for me. Consider common viral infections like flu or rhinitis, but more sinister is PHF: Potomac Horse Fever. I've seen a few cases already this summer, and the PHF season (June through October) is just beginning.
We will be closed July 3rd in anticipation of a relaxing trail, Independence Day Weekend. Have a safe holiday!
I'm increasingly seeing young horses with snotty noses, fevers and abnormal lung sounds...lungs with wheezes and clicks similar to older horses with heaves...These are young horses of training age, 2-4 years old, in multi-horse stables. The older animals are not getting sick. We'll be testing any new cases for equine rhinitis A virus infection as well as influenza and rhinopneumonitis. A vaccine is available to help protect against equine rhinitis A virus....interested?